Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the first two days are always the worst

Kim left for Calgary for work for a few was a BITCH and yet an adventure walking to and from the parkade at the new airport.
But mmmm..Harvey's made up for it!
Parking was $7.75, tho! So I think her friendship fee will be due early this year. LOL

Today (technically it's yesterday) I had the day off, I did laundy-6 loads, including towels, bed sheets, and some of Jam's clothes.
I hung out with my lady friends, gave myself a mani/pedi, I got high and caught up with Janely and someone, and had a discussion about how much it sucks being a grown up with Faith...BUT my big accomplishment is that I cleaned AND rearranged my room! I like it. I feel like my room has good energy. :) maybe that'll mean good dreams and a better sex life! Haha.'s my question: why do people write a blog? Some people write blogs and get PAID!'s there job! Others...????
I imagine I'm an old lady reading allll my pervious blog entries, and journals saying stuff like "wow, jayne! What the hell was your problem!?" Hahaha

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