Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas shopping for me.

Did I tell you that I am forfeit Christmas this year? Well I did. So when I say that I went Christmas shopping, I meant that I was going for me. I spent a great day at St. Vital yesterday. (There was no tax in the entire mall, and there are a lot of sales!) I spent a lot of money on boots, considering that I just bought a pair of boots 2 weeks ago.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas season! It's my favorite time! But this year...I just can't wait for this year to end!

2009 better be nice to me!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

tsk tsk

Oh Money Mart?? Will I ever be rid of you??

What is there to share, except for the fact that my bosses boyfriend saw someone commit suicide!!!!! I can't even begin to imagine what that must have been like?? If that were me, I'd be traumatized!


The only thing else that I want to share is that it's crazy cold in my apartment! I may as well live in a igloo!
