Monday, March 22, 2010


Another birthday has come and gone. I'm 26! How fucking gross is that?!
What can I say about this past year. It definitely had it's downs...and in the past few months it seemed like all I ever was was down, and never up. I think it has something to do with the seasons and all the darkness in the winter. Winter depression? Is there such a thing? Anyways..25 was a fairly good year. I'm still single and still at a job I hate most days. But I've taken steps to be better, and overall I'm happy.
I'm really excited for summer. Last summer set the bar pretty high, but I still have high hopes. :)

I don't really have anything on my mind right now that's worth sharing. I've been having so many thoughts about life and being in your twenty's and how it's not nearly as fun as I thought it'd be. Like forreal..being an adult sucks.
But in times of trouble, or doubt, or wonder I can't help but put pen to paper. So, today is my piece. Blahhhhh