Friday, November 14, 2008

If I Were a Boy

I've found a new love in the new album by Beyonce, even though it's not officially released yet. If you haven't heard or seen the video "If I Were a Boy"'s a MUST! (Mostly because this is EXACTLY how I feel right now).

I want to watch the new James Bond movie. But I can't really remember what happens in Casino Royal, which apparently I have to watch before I can see this one.

Wanna tag along?

(You're always going to look at me in that same, resentful stare that I'm sure you think I don't notice. The one you try to hide behind your smiles, and "I'm doing ok" attitude. Where we don't talk about anything important or real. And I'M always going to look you in the same, resentful stare that I'm sure you notice. The one I try to hide behind smiles, and "I'm doing ok" attitude. Where we continuously don't talk about anything real or important).


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